Monday 23 September 2013

Would Jesus use a Smart Board?

Would Jesus Use A Smart Board?

Gospel for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Luke 16.1-13

In educational circles in Alberta and elsewhere, 21st century learning has been an important vision. To get a sense of it, go to

So lately I've been spending a great deal of time asking myself, and others, the question, "what does the 21st century religion classroom look like?" I'm glad, for example, that we are finally moving on a new national program for grades 1-9, since the curriculum has not changed for over twenty years.

But will the new curriculum reflect 21st century learning? Will we truly engage our students in the subject, that subject being Jesus Christ?

One of my concerns is that in the rush to get textbooks and manuals into classrooms, there will be little thought to the fact that textbooks and manuals are "more of the same". And jazzing it up with technology does not make it 21c learning and teaching either.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE using tech, but we have to be very careful not to equate it with learner engagement. Case in point:

1. 30 years ago, a teacher writes all the notes on the chalkboard and gets the kids to write it down. Kids heads hit the desk and they begin to drool (remember Ferris Beuller's Day off?
 2.  25 years ago same teacher gets an overhead. Puts notes on overhead. Same result.
3. 10 years ago, Teacher gets computer and LED projector in his room. Puts notes on Powerpoint. Same results.
4. 3 years ago. Smart board gets installed in the room. Guess what happens? 

If we've learned anything, it's that engagement is the key to successful learning. 
To learn about learner engagement, I suggest we take our clues from the Master Teacher himself.

No not the guy from Ferris Beuller. From Jesus!!

If we look at Sunday's Gospel, Jesus grabs the attention of his listeners by telling a parable that praises the shifty dealings of a dishonest manager! To this day we struggle with this parable. I noticed that the reflection in Living With Christ actually avoided the Gospel all together! I don't blame them!
Jesus was reminding his listeners of the reality that surrounded them - that even the most dishonest of us merits praise, because, they can make a "profit" from that which does not belong to them. We, the children of the light, have given the the gift of eternal life.  Are we doing everything in our power to share that gift? Are we actively proclaiming this GOOD NEWS? Do we spend the gift of our time serving God or the Almighty Dollar? That's how Jesus sums it all up, and leaves it us to move forward and change.
Would Jesus use a Smart Board? Maybe. But in the end, we would all leave the classroom changed.
For us as Catholic educators, let's keep that as our ultimate lesson plan.
It goes waaaaaayyyyy beyond the 21st century! 

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