Monday 9 September 2013

Eye on the Prize??

Eye on the Prize?

"For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost?" Luke 14.27

 I have spent the last week in New York City and am just getting ready to head back to Alberta tomorrow. it was a great trip- we saw lots of the classic sights went to see some shows, ate all the classic foods- and I had a chance to go into the Sam Ash ( formerly Manny's) music. A perfect trip.

One of the more memorable sites was of course the WolrdTade Center Memorial. It was extremely moving. Two large squares where the towers once stood, now waterfalls. The water reminding us of all the tears shed, but also of new life.

I wondered though, what lessons were learned.

For although there was great sorrow and grief, there was tremendous pride that the city bounced back, and are creating a whole new trade center.

The "freedom tower is even TALLER than the previous two.

And more buildings are being constructed!!!

But, well, they have to stop, because there is not enough money to complete it.


What is Jesus saying to us?

I think it is pretty simple, and pretty tough at the same time.

Keep your eye on the prize, and remember the priority.


It is the same message given to the rich young man. if you can't give God all of your true self, then you can't be a disciple.

The problem is, we don't even know our true selves.
We fool ourselves into thinking that we are something that we are not. We are sold a bill of goods by the media saying we are not young enough, good looking enough, thin enough etc etc etc.

Then we try and live up to expectations of who others think we should be, pressures that come from even the ones who love us.

That's why Jesus' "hard saying" about hating family and our own lives is found in Luke. 

It's really all about finding our true self.
and our true self only rests in God.

It is only through prayer, and our life in Christ through His Church, that will allow us to "sit down and estimate the cost".

Otherwise, we build empty towers.

For this week: In your daily prayer and meditation time, invite the Holy Spirit to help you with your priorities. Maybe the first one is to be disciplined enough to have some silent prayer time every day. I especially like "Pray As You Go" podcasts, and my daily email from Richard Rohr. Google "Center for Action and Contemplation"

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