Sunday 2 February 2014

Light one Candle

Light One Candle

"...a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for the glory to your people Israel..." Luke 2.32

Gospel for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord: Luke 2.22-39

Although the lights and decorations are packed away, and carols have long since disappeared from our lips and our IPods, there something distinctively "Christmas-y" about today's Gospel... Mary and Joseph present the infant Jesus as was the custom...

The story seems a little out of place. I mean, if we are trying to construct a chronology from Sunday to Sunday, what are we doing re-introducing the infant Jesus? Wasn't it three weeks ago that we celebrated the Baptism of Jesus, following it up with John the Baptist's proclamation, and then Jesus beginning his adult ministry?

Why are we "going back"??

It makes profound sense, not from a "narrative" sense, but from a "thematic" one.

It is all about the revelation of Jesus and the gift he is to the world.

In Jesus' baptism, God Himself reveals that " this is my Beloved Son with whom I am well pleased..." 

John the Baptist "reveals" Jesus as the "Lamb of God", a foretaste of the victory over sin and death through the blood of the Cross...

Last week, Jesus "reveals" himself as the one who "proclaims the good news of the Kingdom"- God's reign has come!

And this week, in the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Simeon "reveals" Jesus as the "light of the world" "...a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory to your people Israel..."

So as we continue in the "ordinary time" to reflect on the mission, ministry, teaching, and preaching of Jesus, we keep in mind what has been revealed to us:

Jesus as Son of God
Jesus as Lamb of God
Jesus as The Reign of God
Jesus as Light of the World.

For this week:
 If you are a teacher or parent, light a candle this week with your children, reminding them (and you) that Jesus is the "light of the world". It is also a tradition in some countries to make crepes on this day. To learn more about Candlemas, go to

Have a great week!

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