Three Days
What can be said about the three most holy days, the Triduum, in our lives as Christians?
They must be lived and experienced in community.
As Catholics, it is the high point of our liturgical year.
On Holy Thursday, we come together to celebrate the institution of Holy Orders (the sacrament of ordination into the priesthood) and the Eucharist "the source and summit" of our life in Jesus Christ. The theme of service and discipleship is uppermost in our minds, as the priest washes the feet of his parishioners (remember last year when Pope Francis washed the feet of prisoners- what a model for us all!). We end the evening with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament symbolizing our waiting with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Liturgy. Sacrament. Symbol. Community. Service.
On Good Friday we come together in Word and symbol, to commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus. Notice that there is no greeting or blessing at the beginning- just as there was no final blessing at the end of Holy Thursday. The Triduum is all one liturgical celebration. On Friday we hear the Passion, venerate the Cross, and receive Communion that was reserved from Holy Thursday- again, it is all one liturgy, so we don't have "Mass" again.
Holy Saturday is a day of quite reflection and expectation. Jesus has descended to the dead, experiencing fully the reality of death and alienation from the Father. But for us, we wait as the women waited at the tomb. We wait for new life.
And then at the Holy Saturday Vigil, we are brought together to experience our very salvation.The Blessing of the fire, the entry into the darkened Church with Paschal Candle, and the candles we hold while the Exultet is sung, all symbolize the Light that has shone in the darkness! Through the Word, we hear the high points of our salvation history.
And we proclaim the Good News Matthew 28.1-10
We welcome in new Catholics this night, as they are baptized, confirmed and receiving Eucharist.
And we too experience the glory of the Risen Christ in Eucharist
Liturgy. Sacrament. Symbol. Community. Service.
This is who we are and whose we are. Celebrate the Paschal Mystery by entering into the Triduum.